Nursery School F1

We are a Local Authority Nursery school which is situated in the main building.  There are three nursery rooms each led by a teacher, a Lead practitioner and Early Years practitioners.   There are no differences between the classrooms and children remain in one room throughout their time in nursery.

All children access the outdoors together, returning to their own rooms for end of session.  We offer places for children with additional needs and they are included in all aspects of the curriculum. 

Our Nursery was again judged 'outstanding' in all areas by OFSTED in March 2020. 

Session Times:

Morning  session

8.30am – 11.30am

Afternoon session

12.30pm – 3.30pm


Please note we are flexible with the start and end times to enable parent/carers to take and collect older children to/from school.

Additional services:

Breakfast Club

8.00 – 8.30am


Lunch Club

11.30 – 12.30pm


30 hour lunch



Additional Nursery Session




It is very important that once your child starts nursery he/she attends every day to ensure that learning is not interrupted, friendships are strengthened and children are able to establish routines.  We know that if your child does not attend regularly then their learning will fall behind.  However, when children are unwell they find it difficult to cope with being in nursery and should be kept at home until they recover.  If your child is unable to attend please ring reception to let us know and the absence can be authorised.  Children cannot be allowed to attend if they are infectious.



Your child’s safety is our first priority.  We will only allow your child to leave nursery with a parent or named person who is over the age of 16 years.  If your child needs to be collected by someone who nursery have never seen and their names are not on the pick- up list please telephone us in advance and provide them with the ‘PASSWORD’ known only to us and the person who is to collect your child.

Please make every effort to collect your child/ren promptly as young children become distressed if not collected on time.  If, for any reason you are unavoidably detained, please telephone to let us know.

To ensure your child’s safety and the safety of others please do not park on the yellow zig zag lines in front of the main nursery building.  Patrols are regular and tickets will be issued.  We are working hard to make our centre as safe as possible for children and we hope you will support us. We also encourage our families to walk to nursery and promote healthy lifestyles.

